CL3-E CANopen/USB Technical Manual

USB port

  • Use only a standardized micro-USB cable. Never use a USB cable that manufacturers of cell phones enclose with their products. These USB cable may have a different connector form or pin assignment.
  • Do not save files on the motor controller other than those listed below:
    1. cfg.txt
    2. vmmcode.usr
    3. info.bin
    4. reset.txt
    5. firmware.bin
    All other files are deleted when the voltage supply for the motor controller is switched on!
  • The controller behaves like a mass storage device ("USB flash drive"), no further drivers are necessary.
  • The motor is brought to idling when the USB cable is connected. The "Switched On" mode is set (see the " DS402 Power State machine" section).
  • The voltage supply for the motor controller must also be switched on for USB operation.

If a USB cable is used for connecting the motor controller to a PC, the motor controller behaves like a removable storage medium. You can therefore store the configuration file or NanoJ program on the motor controller. All changes to files are only applied after the motor controller has been restarted (for example by short disconnection from the voltage supply).


A frequent occurrence during set up and installation is that a file is updated and then copied back to the motor controller, it is therefore advisable to use a script file that does this work

  • In Windows you can create a text file with file extension bat and the following content :
    copy <SOURCE> <TARGET>
  • For Linux you can create a script with file extension sh and the following content:
    cp <SOURCE> <TARGET>
