CL3-E CANopen/USB Technical Manual

6087h Torque Slope


This object contains the torque slope in torque mode.

Object description

Index 6087h
Object Name Torque Slope
Object Code VARIABLE
Data type UNSIGNED32
Saveable yes, category: application
Access Read/write
PDO Mapping RX - PDO
Admissible Values  
Specified Value 00000000h
Firmware Version FIR-v1426
Change History  


The nominal current in object 203Bh:01h is equal to a nominal torque. This object is expressed as per thousand of this nominal torque, e.g. the value "500" means "50%" of the nominal torque, "1100" is equal to 110%. This value cannot exceed the peak torque (generated by peak current in 2031h).

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